Hello to all SMTOWN stans! We are currently searching for some Moderators for the forum!
Moderators can be promoted to Global Moderators if we see that you do a great job.
Moderators Job :
01. Keep the forum clean from SPAM
(post less than 10 words, and promotion, etc.)
02. Keep your specific forum updated!
It's okay if you don't have any experience with this, you can learn.
Just post your application below.
Why should you be hired?:
How much time can you dedicate to the forum?:
You can choose your specific thread later.
This forum had just open so there will be more thread updated later such as Video Station, Eye Candy (Photo Station), Center Stage (covers, etc), Art Work Shop, Library (Fan Fiction), and more!
Moderators can be promoted to Global Moderators if we see that you do a great job.
Moderators Job :
01. Keep the forum clean from SPAM
(post less than 10 words, and promotion, etc.)
02. Keep your specific forum updated!
It's okay if you don't have any experience with this, you can learn.
Just post your application below.
Why should you be hired?:
How much time can you dedicate to the forum?:
You can choose your specific thread later.
This forum had just open so there will be more thread updated later such as Video Station, Eye Candy (Photo Station), Center Stage (covers, etc), Art Work Shop, Library (Fan Fiction), and more!